Essay No.1
The ancient art of loafing around.
“A designer thinks also while taking a shower”, one of our mentors once said. And then, how can we separate working time from leisure time?
Before starting a new project there is a phase in which wasting time is so sweet. When ideas start to make their way into the mind we know we’re supposed to sit down to work. Well, we don’t. We wait a bit longer, anticipating the pleasure of realization, apparently avoiding the problem. This is exactly how our own peculilar way of thinking begins. With our hands in our pockets and a flâneur attitude, we leave the studio to wander with no particular purpose or just to meet a friend: concrete reality, ordinary things, people in the streets take o n new meanings and show a mysterious relevance to the course of our reasoning. And there they are! Surprises lurking everywhere! Luigi Ghirri reminded us of Giordano Bruno’s words: “To think is to speculate with images”. This is how thoughts change their course, they get distilled, they develop, until actual drawing, giving shape to ideas, becomes an inevitable necessity. Imagination takes the most familiar things from reality to create something new.